Author name: Steve Griffiths

FBT Q&A – What are the FBT implications of benefits and outplacement services provided to former employees?

What are the FBT implications of benefits provided to former employees? This Q&A discusses some possible exemptions for employers that provide benefits or services to an employee as part of their redundancy. Question In January 2019, our organisation paid training course fees of $3,500 to a state government TAFE for a former employee to undertake a Diploma […]

FBT Q&A – What are the FBT implications of benefits and outplacement services provided to former employees? Read More »

Payroll – Why do we need to disclose exemption from FBT under s. 57A on an employee’s payment summary form?

Payment summaries now require an employer to indicate whether they are exempt from FBT under s. 57A of the FBTAA. This is due to changes to eligibility measures for various Federal Government benefits, payments and income tests. Specifically, The Department of Human Services (DHS) has changed how reportable fringe benefits amounts (RFBAs) are used to

Payroll – Why do we need to disclose exemption from FBT under s. 57A on an employee’s payment summary form? Read More »