Why should you attend the 2021 FBT Roadshow?

ATO/General, FBT, Public, Special Edition
Author: Lacey Jarvis
3 Feb 2021

The end of the FBT year draws near!  Each year, there are new developments to keep in mind when preparing your organisation’s FBT return – and this year we have even more to cover!

At TaxEd, we understand you’re busy and it can be tough to stay on top of all the latest tax FBT developments and how they apply to you. With this in mind, each year we present the FBT Roadshow. It’s a one-day workshop that covers everything you need to know about FBT and preparing your organisation’s FBT return and is an easy, convenient and cost-effective way to stay compliant.

The FBT Roadshow takes place throughout February and March in three cities across Australia, and we are also offering an online alternative – if you haven’t already registered, here are 7 reasons why you should consider attending this year:

  1. Based on your biggest challenges

We receive questions from our TaxEd members (government and NFP employees) almost daily. Our presentation is compiled based on these FBT questions. We understand the FBT matters that are the most challenging and break the issues down in an easy-to-understand format.

  1. Quality reference material

You will be provided with a comprehensive FBT handbook and slide pack compiled by your presenters. The handbook and slide pack will outline the information most relevant to you and includes real-life examples to maximise your understanding of the topics.

  1. COVID-19 and changes in tax legislation

2020 was an unprecedented year on many levels, and a year with many changes in tax law. We will cover how these legislation changes affect Government and NFPs specifically, and conduct an attendee Q&A to ensure we cover everything you need to succeed.

  1. Deep dive into cars & entertainment

Cars and entertainment are always hot topics at our FBT Roadshows, and this year we’ll apply a special focus due to popular demand . We will spend time ensuring you understand how these FBT treatments apply to your organization, as well as conduct a Q&A session to ensure all attendees leave with a thorough understanding.

  1. The presenters

Michael Doran and Rob Power are not only known for their expertise on tax, they are also both client favorites as they have personable and lively presentation styles. They are known for tackling complicated subjects and applying them in interesting ways you can understand.

  1. Networking opportunities

Meet and chat with other like-minded professionals and learn from each other’s experience.  Our attendees hold a variety of positions within their organisations and are all coming at FBT from different perspectives.

  1. All levels of experience welcome

Regardless if you’re new to FBT or are a seasoned expert, this session is suitable for you. The information we will present is relevant to government and NFP organisations and will apply to most scenarios. You’ll walk away from the session with a thorough understanding of how to apply the FBT updates to your situation.

The annual FBT Roadshow is always the highlight of TaxEd’s training calendar and not to be missed. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone and imparting some FBT wisdom!

Ready to register or still need more info? Click here.

For quick links to specific sessions, click below:

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