2024 FBT

FBT: Back to the New Normal

The most informative and engaging FBT conference,
tailored to the Governments and Not-For-Profits sectors.


Tuesday 19 March 2024



Thursday 21 March 2024



Tuesday 26 March 2024



Tuesday 9 April 2024


What will the Session Cover?

Electric vehicles, the ‘modern workplace’ and working from home, make sure your organisation is fully across its ever changing FBT obligations by joining us for our 2024 FBT Roadshow. In our interactive full-day session, we will cover key FBT developments, and all issues relevant to Government and NFP employers when correctly preparing the 2024 FBT return.

Our dynamic and engaging Tax Experts will guide you through real life examples, based on a selection of the best of the FBT issues from our “treasure trove” that is the TaxEd Q&A service. This allows you to gain an insight into the best solutions for your FBT problems.

Why Should you Attend?

  • A practical and interactive session focused solely on FBT issues faced by Government and NFPs
  • Comprehensive training materials
  • Network with fellow not-for-profit and Government tax and finance professionals, along with the presenters
  • Morning and afternoon teas, along with lunch

All materials will be provided electronically prior to the session. Hard copy of the PowerPoint presentation will be provided at each face-to-face session.

Session Agenda

The Essential FBT Update

What’s changed or changing in the FBT world.

  • Rates and thresholds
  • Recent cases & rulings
  • ATO focus – ‘tradie’ type vehicles in the firing line!
  • The modern work force and related FBT issues
  • Treatment of working from home ‘related benefits’
  • Travelling on work or to work?
A Reminder Of The Key FBT Principles
  • Who is an employee?
  • Types of employers and related issues: Taxable, Exempt or Rebateable?
  • Understanding the ‘otherwise deductible rule’ and how it applies to commonly provided benefits
  • Dealing with employee contributions and recipient payments
  • Type 1 v Type 2 benefits – why does it matter?
  • Understanding the scope of the minor benefits exemption
  • Salary package
Cars And Motor Vehicles

We will explore all the perennial FBT issues:

  • What rules to apply based on the type of vehicle
  • Business v private travel
  • On-call employees
  • Vehicles eligible for ‘workhorse’ exemption
  • Novated leases and more
  • Log books and other record keeping issues.
FBT Exemption For Electric Vehicles

Is the ‘dangled carrot’ leading to an uptake? A refresher on the rules, including:

  • Eligible electric vehicle types
  • Usage requirements
  • Transitional rules including when does exemption end
  • Associated car expenses
  • Road user charges
  • Home charging costs
  • Reporting requirements

What is it and when is it subject to FBT?
When can the minor benefit exemption apply?
What are the valuation options?
Using a variety of common examples, we will explore the FBT rules for entertainment type scenarios to make sure you are getting it right including the GST credit entitlements for entertainment expenditure.

Employee Travel

The Bechtel case – employee FIFO travel not otherwise deductible! Travel vs living away from home.
Travelling to work or on work?

Exempt work-related items and other working from home related benefits

The working from home revolution continues. Make sure you are identifying and correctly dealing with common benefits:

  • Portable electronic devices
  • Furniture and other equipment
  • Internet and telecommunications costs
Remote area, relocation and other common exemptions?

A summary of common exemptions and concessions for remote area-based employees and relocation scenarios.

Employee access to employer operated recreational and childcare facilities – getting FBT right?

Education related expenses – how to treat?

Uniforms, protective clothing & other equipment provided to employees

We will discuss:

  • Compulsory v non-compulsory uniforms.
  • Protective clothing/equipment.

What is and isn’t exempt?

Reportable Fringe Benefits

Getting disclosures right including dealing with the ‘pooled car’ exclusion.

Completing the FBT return

Worked examples dealing with common errors including correct FBT reporting based on ‘employer type’ and how to correctly complete the FBT return where employee contributions are made.

Changes to FBT record keeping requirements

Where are we at regarding using alternative records as substantiation?


Very informative and clear. It is great to be able to interact with the presenters that answer questions. Everything was explained very well. I feel I came away from the day with increased knowledge and clarity of FBT.
Rob & Michael are very experienced professionals in their field. They make you feel comfortable at these sessions and make some great points with regards to the interpretation of the legislation. Their sessions are well structured and enjoyable.
Michael and Rob were fantastic presenters. Their way of presenting keeps their audience engaged and was not mundane or too overwhelming despite the topic. Very helpful and open to questions during the presentation and breaks as well as after the session.